Every day is a good day to start being a superhero

Paul D. Dramelay


The Guardian Badge

The Guardian Badge is a Young Adult novel set in an imaginary mountain town of central Italy. Novel currently published in Italy by Bookabook. The protagonist, Francesco Forte, is an introverted and lonely fifteen year old who loves to spend his free time reading comics or immersed in nature, his other great passion. These two things will lead him to discover the Order of the Guardians of Nature.

If you are a Literary Agent or a Publisher and are interested in evaluate the novel by reading the book (just italian version)
contact me by mail.

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Read books without music?!

This is the compilation created  while I was writing the book. You can listen through the browser or directly on Spotify. Good listening and if you like it, tell others and put it among your favorites!

Spotify Playlist

Book trailer of the book, let me know what you think!

A short clip made in a domestic way, that I hope is able to convey the meaning of this work. If you like it, express your appreciation by putting a like, sharing and maybe subscribing to my channel, thanks!

YouTube Page

Some additional info on my work.

Following some facts that can help you to better understand my work and my ideas in the field of writing, environment and volunteering.

The Guardians’ Badge speaks of comics and superheroes, but also of environmental protection. These issues are important to me which, when I started writing the book, were not yet present and to the attention of the public. Superheroes films and environmental interest was only at their beginning, when over 10 years ago I started designing the book!

It is a Young Adult although, this definition now leaves the time it finds. It has certainly been written so that it can be enjoyed even by the youngest, but it speaks to all those who love comics, who have always dreamed of becoming a superhero and who personally commit themselves to safeguarding the planet.

Initially the Guardians’ Badge was a story for a competition but I realized that I couldn’t say everything I wanted, in 50,000 words. The project has grown very full-bodied and to date, it is made up of two trilogies. The first concludes the Cycle of Changes, the second introduces a new course of events.

Of that and not only. Protecting the environment, animal and plant species is a fundamental aspect of my life from an early age. For this reason, I wanted to include these topics in the first work proposed to the public and for sure, they will also be present in the next ones, even if only in a hinted form.

The book could arouse the interest of those who read super heroic comics and / or over the years have been passionate about films of this genre. It also speaks of the environment, therefore, it could be a way for parents who are attentive to these issues, to make their pre-adolescent children read something that deals lightly with these issues. Finally, it may please anyone who at least once as a child wished to be like their favorite superhero.

Yes of course and a first version in 2014 of the book ended up on line for trial, with a paid service but it was more damage than good because when I noticed some mistakes and I had the idea of changing some dynamics of the story, it was a hell to withdraw it from online stores. I honestly don’t believe that Self can match the work and professionalism of a serious publishing house, so it is a path that I will not try again.

Over the years I have given birth to many stories which I then cultivated making them become full-bodied projects. In some cases they became a first draft of books which I then left to “rest” in the drawer. Some of these projects have helped me to grow and maybe they will never have an end but for a couple of them, I hope to have the opportunity to carry them out.

True! In my formative years, but even now, I have used short story to experiment with tips and techniques. In addition, the small stories allowed me to explore different genres, also having fun with the narrative register. Some of these works are present on the site (ita). I hope, over time, to be able to implement them by arranging many others.

To become a writer, to begin with, then to affirm my presence over the years. In addition to that, it would make me really proud to be able to spend that little bit of fame gained, to promote care, love and respect for the planet.


Are you a comic artist?!

The Guardian Badge and its characters need you to come to life!

In a world made up of images and moments rather than words, it is essential to be able to represent by “colors” what the mind creates. For this reason my appeal goes to all those who want to devote some of their time to my work to bring Super Heroes and Characters never seen before to life. Why persist in drawing a Batman or a Wolverine when something new can be created?

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if you would know more about me follow my social… but just in Italian!